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Daily Transits April 9, 2021


Mercury cojoins Chiron in Aries

Some old wounds surrounding communication and thinking will resurface. Chiron in Aries is teaching us we can't continue to deny or ignore our masculine side. When we ignore or supressed our anger, we deny that there is anything wrong. If we are explosive and can't self regulares, we tend to suppress other people's voices. Thus, it is all about balance with our emotions.


Mercury in Aries semisquares Jupiter in Aquarius

This planetary energy is perfect for communicating, sharing knowledge, and learning something new. This can become troublesome too so be mindful of any triggers with certain topics of conversation.


Mars in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces

With this aspect we can take action with our personal spiritual understading, creativity and expression. These squared planets may continue to feed into delusion and escapism. When communicating, we must ensure our words are truthful and sincere. We must also be mindful of any deception and be open to challenging anything which isn't in alignment with the truth.


Venus cojoins Eris in Aries

This planet and asteriod combination brings us fiery and fierce energy. Venus in Aries has no problem with revealing their true feelings and taking action on them while Eris in Aries is ready to shed light into the shadows or what might be hidden. Just be mindful of any struggle between you and your other half based on wanting to be right or the Alpha in the relationship. Speaking honestly but with compassion is the keys here. This energy will also bring this dynamic within your finances, values, career, and home.


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